Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am getting tired. I have so many commitments all the time. Cory and I are always working on our house, at our jobs, at side jobs... We are missing out. Why do we keep doing this? We want so much in life and have so many goals. We are always trying to get more for less so we continue doing so much ourselves. We are pretty good at burning ourselves out, but I am not sure how happy we would be if we didn't do this. With that said.. I just needed to post this to say that I am tired. I feel like I don't have enought time for the kids, for myself, for my house... I am working full time, selling Pampered Chef party time, and still doing hair on the side for a handful of people. The extra money is nice and the time with friends is also great, but when is enough... enough?

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