Day 1: I had a horrible migraine and Carter started his first feverDay 2: I had to call in to work to stay home with Carter and take him to the walk-in and sit next to tons of germ-infested people only to find out that Carter has a virus and nothing can be done right now to make him better. By the way... I used all my days for maternity leave so any day off through the end of June is unpaid.
Day 3: I went to work and left Carter home with Cory ~ which Cory enjoys, but is completely heartbreaking for me. Then I took Ethan to daycare ~ which he normally loves ~ but today he clung to my leg and cried until a teacher peeled him off of me and tried to comfort him. Yup, another heartbreak.
One, Two, Three strikes your out....
Is there a reset button?
So sorry. Well, it can only get better, right?